Create a session using the data from Step 1. Note that the "mode"="payment" means that you are creating a one-time payment session. Node.js sample here.
3. Checkout using Session id [frontend]
Follow this sample code below:
<template> <div> <stripe-checkoutref="checkoutRef":pk="publishableKey":session-id="sessionId" /> <button@click="submit">Checkout!</button> </div></template><script>import { StripeCheckout } from'@vue-stripe/vue-stripe';exportdefault { components: { StripeCheckout, },data () {this.publishableKey =process.env.STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY;return { loading:false, sessionId:'session-id',// session id from backend }; }, methods: {submit () {// You will be redirected to Stripe's secure checkout pagethis.$refs.checkoutRef.redirectToCheckout(); }, },};</script>